Because grounding provides you a sturdy energetic anchoring into your body, and because it secures your personal control, you’ll find that you are much less of a pushover. They may try to sell you the complete vacuum cleaner set with deluxe shampoo accessories, but when you ground yourself into your body’s affairs, there just isn’t room for other people to run your life for you. And even if they do force their energy into your space, you can always ground their energy away. Feeling stronger? More powerful? The more you practice, the stronger your grounding will be. The more you affirm your grounding, the more personal power you are able to handle.

As you open your spiritual sight by stimulating your clairvoyance, you lift your perspective out of the limitations of your body and into unlimited spirit, like moving from a ditch to a mountaintop. You open to see in a new way, a way that will help you change your life. When you see the Truth, the Truth sets you free. The more you can affirm your spiritual perspective by focusing in the center of your head, the more light you will bring into your life and into the world.

By establishing your unique connection with God—and all it takes is your communication—you open the way for a new awareness of your place and path in the cosmos. You begin to develop a sense of harmony and purpose. You open the way for a reality beyond imagination.

To benefit from these techniques, it is paramount that you use them daily. The length of time you spend practicing is not as important as your regularity. A little time each day will give you incredible spiritual strength! Don’t limit your techniques to your meditation times, either. You can ground in your car. You can center at the grocery store. You can talk to God while at work. The more time you spend being present, and in communication with God, the faster you create change and become the ideal you.

Grounding and centering and talking with God are all you need to do to manifest yourself as spirit within a body. Make grounding your #1 commitment, and all of your desires will become fulfilled. Rejoice in the simplicity of your spiritual awareness.